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Sunday, March 27, 2016

My little sister just got a new blog! + My main life as an early college high school student

Yeah, yeah, people... I know I said that I abandoned this blog and that I won't be writing on it anymore, but I have decided to make a few exceptions. I can't quite tell you what those are, unfortunately. But, I just found out that my little sister, Pallas, has just created a new blog! You can read the blog and what she has to say here. I am so amazed and proud of her! This actually reminds me of when I was at a very young age (probably 9-10 years old at first), which is pretty much the age that she is now. So basically, she's living a similar lifestyle that I was at a very young age, which is awesome, because that will likely mean she will be good at certain things in the digital environment. (OK, she doesn't have YouTube like I did at a very young age (at least for now), but at this point, who cares?! I know my Dad would likely care.)

Again, I'm super proud of her! I can't wait to see what her blog will have to offer! I can already tell that she's going to be a somewhat hard worker!

And since I'm here, posting on a supposedly abandoned blog, I may as well just tell you about some of what seems to be going on with the main parts of my life, so here goes... OK, I'm a 15-year-old Clear Horizons Early College High School student just trying to get through life socially and academically. Turns out finding that balance between being social and making time for academic stuff can actually be pretty hard sometimes. OK, the school itself is not terribly hard, but there are some hard classes that you will have to take. The main reason why I say that some of the classes that will be taken at Clear Horizons is that a few of them are AP classes and actual college classes. Yes, you read that completely right. And as for amount of homework, there's usually not a terrible amount of homework involved when you get home, but there will be some times where you really might just want to consider doing your schoolwork for almost the entire day after you get home.

Currently, for me, getting there and back is a little brutal for me, but believe it or not, I can handle and survive it pretty well. Why am I saying all this? My commute, which I'm about to explain, will probably tell you why. So here's my commute... I wake up at 5:30 AM every morning so I can get ready for school in time to board the bus at 6:25 AM. Why is it so early? I'm actually the first stop and one of the first buses to arrive at my zoned high school, which happens to be Clear Springs High School. After I get off the bus, which is around 6:40 AM, I then wait for the actual Clear Horizons bus, which leaves at 7:15 AM (If you're in Clear Creek ISD and are zoned to Clear Creek HS or Clear Falls HS, your bus departs the school at 7:05 AM. During the wait time, I can chat with my friends, do homework if I wanted to... whatever you want to do that fits you. But my advice here is that you might want to start heading out there as soon as the bell rings. I say this because I do not want to get stuck with the crowd at the neighborhood high school. I also worry that I might get locked in if I'm not careful. Anyway, when the Clear Horizons bus departs, it's smooth sailing for 25-45 minutes (depending on traffic).

When the Clear Horizons bus arrives, that's when you'll really start to rock and roll... because it means that you've arrived at Clear Horizons Early College High School! This school is actually part of San Jacinto College (also called San Jac). The high school resides on San Jac's south campus. How the high school runs is not at all like the normal high schools at CCISD. We actually run a special schedule, which we consider the "A-Day B-Day schedule". Friday has its own special schedule. Another difference of Clear Horizons vs. regular high schools in CCISD: Our school day starts and ends later. The school day at Clear Horizons is from 8:00 AM - 3:20 PM, compared to 7:20 AM - 2:30 PM for normal high schools. And probably one of the best things about Clear Horizons is that you get released early every Friday, at 1:30 PM. For more information, you can visit Clear Horizons on their website.

When it's time for dismissal, for right now, I'm also the person to ride the bus all the way back home in the afternoon. Monday-Thursday, I get on the bus at 3:25 PM and ride back to my zoned intermediate school (Victory Lakes Intermediate), where I usually arrive after 25 more minutes on the bus. I then wait with the people who were on my bus, plus (I think) some WAVE/Science Magnet intermediate students. Then, at 4:00 PM, the dismissal bell rings and I head for the bus back home. I can tell you now, on my bus, those intermediate students can be really crazy at times. But their craziness is actually pretty fun when the bus driver goes in and kinda participates with them. I do get off the bus around 4:25-4:30 PM (as I'm the last stop) and head back home. Phew, I'm finally there. Finally made it back.

On Friday, it's a completely different story. The early college high school actually dismisses for lunch around 1:00 PM. The buses will take you back to your zoned high school, but they leave at 1:30 PM. So after I do whatever with my free time at the early college high school, I get on and ride the bus back to the zoned high school, where I wait another 30-35 minutes for the dismissal bell to ring so that we can all go home. When that dismissal bell does ring at 2:30 PM, I get on the bus and ride back home. If it wasn't for lots of traffic, the buses could probably get out sooner when they get the signal to leave the school, causing us to get home earlier, which is usually all we want on Fridays. But, the people on my high school bus are actually quite calm. They're usually not causing too much of a racket these days. That's the case for BOTH of my high school buses. But on Fridays, I usually get home around 3:00 PM-3:05 PM. That doesn't sound too bad. Because it's usually always a long week, after I get home on that Friday, I usually just want to go take a short nap for about an hour or two. After all, it's the weekend, and some teenagers want to catch up on the sleep they most likely lost because they have to get up so early.

So now you know the lowdown of my commute, and some of how Clear Horizons works... all by reading this blog post. Yes, it's very possible to have a social life at Clear Horizons Early College High School, but my advice is to STAY FOCUSED on your academic work at all costs... because if you don't, it's really going to take a toll on your grade, which will also affect your GPA. And again, Clear Horizons isn't an incredibly hard school to me (or at least, as a freshman), but it does have times where you might just want to ditch the social stuff and do homework almost the entire day at home before you go to bed. Other than school and my little sister getting a new blog, there's not really a lot that I have to say, so... yeah! Thanks for reading this post! I kinda enjoyed writing about what I just did! Unfortunately, I have no idea when, if any, the next time I will make an exemption and write on this blog, so... sorry, obsessive fanboys! To all of you, I might see y'all later!

P.S. Happy Easter 2016! Even though I wrote this post during the nighttime...

Also, sorry for all the text being bunched up and not being split into paragraphs. I intended to write it this way, but Blogger apparently does not understand the "Enter" key at all... EDIT: Turns out that the text was all bunched up earlier because it was written under "HTML", and not under "Compose". It should be fixed now. Thanks a lot to Blogger for apparently defaulting to HTML.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I have decided to quit writing on this blog. For real this time.

Sadly, after a little over a year of not having posted on my blog, I have thought things over for myself, and have officially decided to just quit posting on this blog. However, that does not mean I'm going to take it down. I'm leaving it up so I, myself and my old blog fans can still see what's there for them to see.

If you're worried about the case that I wouldn't update my widgets now that I've discontinued this blog, don't be. If I remember, I'll try to keep my yearly timers up-to-date. However, there won't be any more new blog posts after this one. That just paraphrases the whole entire concept for you.

And obviously, it won't be meaning I'll be extinct from the online world entirely. You can subscribe to me on YouTube (username is MrSuperVids). Or, if you'd like, you can see some of my lifestyle and what I'm interested in or agree with on Twitter (My username is @TweetingTayne).

Farewell to all people reading this blog. I'm not coming back for another blog post, guys.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

iPad rumor roundup

Well, we got another surprise coming up to us. And this time, it's Apple-related. The iPad 5 everyone's been talking about... well, it didn't get named that. Instead, Apple decided to play a trick on our rumors and name it iPad Air. Their slogan? "The power of lightness".
And they also put in the long-rumored iPad Mini we've all been waiting for... the iPad mini with Retina display!!
And guess what? They made the apps what used to cost money free. That's right, stuff like iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.
And you know what? I'm surprised they kept the iPad 2 and the iPad mini. The iPad 2, I'm more surprised at. It's actually been standing for a long time. iPad 2 was actually released on March 11, 2011 in our area, to be exact. That's over 2.5 years ago!

Don't believe these news? Here's the proof:

It's true. They kept it all (except for the iPad 4).

Well, that just about rounds things up! We'll see you next time. I'm still amazed that these news are unexpected.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A surprising Apple moment...

Surprisingly, with the rumors, Apple had a major surprise coming to us according to most of our rumors.
Instead of just releasing one iPhone (like what we'd usually expect them to do) they decided to just release both iPhones. Don't believe me? Here's the proof:

Yep, it is true. Both iPhones were released. In return, guess what? They completely got rid of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5. They also changed the iPhone 4S to 8GB. And like you'd expect: The price dropped to free.
In my opinion: If I had to choose between the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C, I'd pick the iPhone 5C in green. (I know, less powerful, but true.)

It appears that Apple still has the iPad 2 in stock. Including the iPad 4 and the iPad mini, of course... But I'm thinking that the iPad 2 will eventually get knocked off the list of iPads available.

No new iPod touch at the moment, though.

So, I guess that just about rounds these news up!

So what do you guys think? Do you guys really think this is an actual surprise? Leave your reply in the comments! (At least, if you want.)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Probably the saddest day ever for us...

When Mom asked me to watch Crosby (she had to go drop off a water bill), I went ahead and took the job.

At about 10 AM, the police came, asked me a couple of questions about my family. When he asked to call my Dad, I called him, then gave him the phone.

After the call was done, he told me he was done talking to me. He said he'd wait out in our yard, and that if we needed him, I just needed to holler. Thankfully, that never happened.

But eventually, Dad approached our home, and talked to the police.

When they were done talking, he came in along with Stephanie (who I don't know at the moment), and when Dad put my little brother Crosby to bed, then came the bad news...

My mom ended up in a car accident. She did not survive it.

When the news were done, I immediately became sad. Luckily, I recovered from the sadness after a few minutes.

So there you have it. My advice: Drivers, be careful or you'll end up like my Mom's fate...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy Fourth of July

When we entered the park, there was a small carnival full of activities and rides.
Because I was too lazy to take pictures of our family going on the activities, I'll just give you a summary of what we did instead.

While I was bouncing on the moon bounce, Pallas was playing the water squirting game with the other people. I didn't go on any other rides or activities. Pallas ended up making a new friend during the water squirting game and came on the same ride with her. As a result, they both ended up riding together.

When it was finally time for the fireworks, we enjoyed the fireworks once again. This time, I was smart enough to even get a video of it. You may watch it here: 

So once again, Happy 4th of July everyone!

Monday, June 17, 2013

My thoughts about iOS 7

This is how I feel about iOS 7:
Oh, and I didn't make that. My Mom made it, so you're welcome to give her credit!
Either way, that's how I feel about iOS 7.
If Apple could just change the status bar back to what is was in iOS 6, I may or may not consider upgrading. Until then, I'm sticking with iOS 6.1.3 on my iPod.
But, if Apple doesn't do something about it, I might have to switch to Android...that OS has most of the apps you can find in iOS. I'm already stuck with a Windows Phone (Phone is HTC Radar 4G with Windows Phone OS 7.5) and I am no longer a fan of that OS. Your gaming apps are limited in that OS.
This is my Windows Phone:
So that's my story of my experience after listening to Apple's iOS 7 features. If'd you like to learn more about iOS 7, go to one of these two websites.
NOTE: You can upgrade if you like, but I do NOT recommend it. I'm going to stay with iOS 6.1.3.
EDIT: It appears I didn't listen close enough. It says there's MORE options for voices, so Siri sounds better than ever. Hmm... now if they could just change the status bar back to the original way (like in iOS 6), then I'll maybe upgrade.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Awkward weekend for being hot

It's almost summer, and that is EXACTLY a bad time to have your own air conditioner stop working properly. We're all using our fans to cool us down and we left the doors open to let the slightly less hot air in and the hot air out. We're also keeping a few lights off when we're not using them so they'll stop producing heat. One of us called the air conditioner repair-man and they said they'll come on a Monday. So we're going to have to suffer through being in a hotter house... for this weekend.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pallas's Little Gym Big Show

I have not written a single blog post in a long time. But we're finally back, giving you another post!

No pictures today, since I was busy with all that excitement, plus I was recording. I cannot do two things at once, you know!
Oh, and I worked hard, and almost drained my iPod's battery, but I did it! I managed to record the video successfully non-stop too! It seems that 1080p recording does take a lot of power...

Since Blogger is starting to no longer play videos embedded on this blog (the ones by Google Video), all future videos will be posted in links to the YouTube videos. You can watch the entire big show here:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Live Below The Line!

It looks hard to me, even though they say it's easy. I don't think I'm going to participate in it, because if you only get $1.50 a day for food, it'd definitely limit most of your food options. I'm actually thankful that I don't have to live under these conditions. But if you'd like to see what it would be like to live under these conditions, go ahead and take the challenge. About 1.4 billion people are already living under these conditions,  so if you'd like to fight this extreme poverty, make a donation! It could help in stopping it. To donate, click here.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Lonely Playground that is prone to Trains

Today, we went to the Boundless Playground in League City. I didn't get any pictures or movies of the playground, but I did get a train. You can watch it here:

or you can use this link to watch it on YouTube:

After we were done playing, we got to look at the turtles again. Here's some pictures of the turtles.

The right side had a bunch of turtles:

...while the left side, didn't have that many turtles.

We had a fun time (except for me because I didn't really want to play in the playground...)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Froberg's Farm - April 2013 Strawberry Pickers

Well, guys, it's that time of year again - strawberry season.

Today we went to Froberg's Farm. This time - we pick strawberries. Yep, just like you'd expect me to say, as noted in the title...

Here's Dad trying to take a picture of me and Crosby (Dad's taking the picture if you're confused. And no, I didn't give him my iPod, he took it from his Android phone.) The picture was meant to show Crosby trying to help by putting a strawberry in my basket, but he did it before he took it as you can see, because Crosby's like "All Done! Now I gotta find more strawberries to pick!"
Some rows had some really good strawberries that can be picked. Other rows, not so much. But after a couple minutes of strawberry picking, here's what I got:
And can't you tell that it looks crowded in the strawberry picking areas? As more and more people show up, and the more strawberries that are picked, the harder it is to find good strawberries to pick.
When the rest of us were finished picking strawberries, we went to the weigh-in area, and here's how heavy my bucket was:
Everyone had a fun time. Now we all have some strawberries we can eat for a while.

Friday, April 12, 2013

iPhone 5 - T-Mobile news

Today I went to Apple's web site to see if T-Mobile's iPhone 5 was released. Surprisingly, the option is near the unlocked screen, which is a bust - I really was hoping for a discounted iPhone like AT&T's, Verizon's, and Sprint's.
And then, I went to T-Mobile's site, and congratulations, people. iPhone 4 and 4S is also available on T-Mobile! But you also have to pay in full for the phone, but optionally, you can get a monthly payment of +$20.00 for 24 months (+$18/month for 24 months for iPhone 4, and +$20/month for 24 months for iPhone 4S.)

This is the iPhone I plan on getting:

Even though iPads do not have T-Mobile yet, it's good that iPhones for T-Mobile are FINALLY out.
I'm sure if you visit the Apple and T-Mobile sites, I'm sure you'll find my facts to be true.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Chuck E. Cheese's for Crosby's Birthday

Today we went to Chuck E. Cheese's, but we didn't celebrate Crosby's birthday.

We all had some pizza, played some games, and me managing to take 3rd place on the Doodle Jump Arcade leaderboards...

Yep, I was lucky, got the Super Bonus in Doodle Jump arcade (50 tickets), and then left Chuck E. Cheese's with a total of 431 tickets. And no, I did not redeem any of it...while the others did. Who knows? Maybe I'll be saving for a bigger prize. And no, I'm not going to tell you what they picked out for their prize. You will just have to guess!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Fools? No. April Beach? Yes!

Today, we went to the beach, again.

I was trying to survive the waves, Pallas and Crosby were being out and about... and Mom and Dad... just monitoring their kids. There's not that many photos this time, though, because I didn't want my iPod to get wet and sandy from that salt water and sand.

But eventually, Pallas managed to find this little Star Wars droid (C-3PO) -

She was extremely lucky, because finding a treasure like that is very rare. We all still had a fun time at the beach, though. I'm sure there will be more exciting events to come that I can blog about. See you in the next blog post!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Birthday to Dad... for the 41st time

Happy Birthday!

Today is Dad's birthday. He's turning 41. Crosby gets a birthday cupcake too. We celebrate Crosby's birthday 3 days early. Crosby will be turning 3 in three days! Here's the video I recorded of the time we got to the birthday cake and singing "Happy Birthday":

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

We have cleaned up the blog a bit!

We've decided to clean up the blog a little bit, since we don't want unnecessary posts. I cleared off some of those posts.

To everybody else that is reading my blog, have fun reading the rest of my blog.

It will always be left up for viewing. And I WILL keep it up forever!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Moody Gardens - Easter 2013

Today we went to Moody Gardens in Galveston. We had a really great time there. We didn't go in any of the pyramids, though - but we did go on an exciting Easter Egg Hunt!

The first activity was the petting zoo. When Pallas was offered to hold the bunny, she accepted the offer (although she was uncomfortable holding the bunny due to the claws on its feet...)
Yep, you could definitely tell she was uncomfortable holding the bunny. But it seems that Crosby just cares about the water that he can't go into...
It seems like the competition is heating up in this next photo:

Seriously, that line looks long, but it's not that long. It was crowded in there. But Pallas tried the Bunny Hop races, and here is what her result was: She lost the game, but she still won a ticket! (A prize ticket, to be exact.)
Now onto the fun part! The easter egg hunt!

I would have taken a movie, but I decided not to because:
1. It would be way too hard to pick up eggs if you were holding an iPod and a bucket.
2. You would easily lose me in the crowd of about 250+ people.

But I went on and did the Easter Egg Hunt, and here is what my winnings were:
And while we were going back, the kids decided to play in the playground for a while before we went back.
When we were finished playing in the playground, we also had a picnic. I didn't take any pictures or movies of our picnic.

Overall, this visit to Moody Gardens was fun. But sadly, this is the last time I will be able to go on an Easter Egg Hunt in Moody Gardens.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Easter Egg Makers 2013

Today, my family started making easter eggs, and someone in my family made me join. But we had fun. Here were the eggs I made. This picture shows a purple and green egg. (I totally swear, the pink just came up due to the purple paint on the paper towel!)
The next egg my little brother Crosby made me make is a purple and green line ranging from the bottom to the top.
That's the two of my easter eggs.

So anyway, even though I said I might quit writing on this blog, I decided to try to continue writing on my blog. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another milestone of me writing on this blog.

Friday, March 15, 2013

I think I will quit writing on this blog

I think I might quit writing on this blog. I have better things to do then just write this blog a bunch. But this blog will be left up for viewing.

Please scroll down more to read more of my blog. Just remember that there may not be any more posts. OK, have fun reading my blog.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

We're gonna go to San Antonio...TOMORROW!!!

Tomorrow we get to go to San Antonio - and at around 15:30 (3:30 PM), my cousins will arrive.
And what's good is that my cousins will probably bring their Fijit Friends and/or their Nintendo DSi. We can play games, PictOChat, and even do stuff together!
Here's 2 pictures:
Nintendo DSi (Black)
Fijit Friends (Willa, Logan)
I might tell you all about our San Antonio visit (and of course, Grandma Dee!)
My next post may be long--but maybe ACTION-packed!!!
And that's all the time we've got for today. Bye!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One of our grandmas died! :(

Just a while ago, Grandma Sharon (Scoop) died.
Here's her Mii.
If you have a Nintendo 3DS, you might want to scan this QR code to save Scoop's Mii.
How to save a Mii to your Nintendo 3DS:
1. Go to Mii Maker.
2. Tap QR Code/Image Options.
3. Tap Scan QR Code.
4. Align the code so that it lies within the frame.

I hope you have fun (other than the fact she died). Bye!

Monday, January 9, 2012

I've had it with this comment spam!!!

Okay, that's it! I've had it with this comment spam! From now on, when you post a comment, you have to type the words you see in the picture. Just needed to remind you!

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Profile Page for Pogo

Here is the link if you want to check my profile:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy kid

I got a diary of a wimpy kid book and I bought blue this time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In fact, a package was delivered and what was in there was a new pink MP3 PLAYER.
Anyway, I want one of those, but if there is no green or purple, I am definitely getting the black one.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Annoucement for my keeping clean levels!

I am close to unlocking levels 9 and 10.
And Wendsday morning, I'll be able to see what I have unlocked!
And Wendsday morning, I can start going to hotels!
I am so excited!


I'm tired of using rainbow colors, so from now on, I will use purple colors.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Workin' for the Man

I'm working hard for food money $.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

_What's With These Kids

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" >

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

99 Authors & Mic Says This

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" >

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2 DS Alarms

Here's what it goes like for every DS:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Information for 99 Authors & Mic says this

From now on, I will use rainbow colors ALL DAY.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Our Birthday Celebration for Scoop

September 25th was Scoop's birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Today is Scoop's Birthday!

This is where we relighted candles. That was crazy! We were placing the letters, numbers and age so Scoop could have a cool birthday.

There are 2 ants, and Pallas was trying to pick up the ants! Is there a cake here? 2 ants!
Mic was using the computer.
2 ants, Pallas's Bottle!

Movie of relighting candles again...