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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One of our grandmas died! :(

Just a while ago, Grandma Sharon (Scoop) died.
Here's her Mii.
If you have a Nintendo 3DS, you might want to scan this QR code to save Scoop's Mii.
How to save a Mii to your Nintendo 3DS:
1. Go to Mii Maker.
2. Tap QR Code/Image Options.
3. Tap Scan QR Code.
4. Align the code so that it lies within the frame.

I hope you have fun (other than the fact she died). Bye!

1 comment:

Pinkmomma said...

That was a very thoughtful memorial. I'm sure it will come in handy when Dad or grandpa gets a 3ds (or the other grandkids when they get older)you are a wonderful guy!