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Tuesday, April 22, 2008


There are only 3 places I should spit.
The sink (which I will then rinse out with water)
My napkin (if I eat something I do not like)
My hand (if no napkin is available, then I will wipe it into a napkin or release it onto a plate and go to wash and wipe my hand).
I should NOT spit on people EVER.
Not with real spit
Not pretending that I will spit
Not spitting water from my mouth in play
Not even in the pool will I spit water at someone
People do not like it when someone spits at them or on the ground.
It pollutes the environment one shares with other people
The act itself disturbs other people
It becomes a nuisance.
I know the rules about spitting.
If I spit I will be in trouble.
People who spit are not welcome around other people -
I will have to spend the rest of the day in my room with no computer, no Nintendo and no food or drinks but water.


Pinkmomma said...

Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

Very very good reasons and explantion of why you do not spit.
You are a very special person for doing what is right. I am very very proud of you. We love you very much. Love Grandpa Terry and Grandma D