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2010 Poodwaddle Life Clock

Monday, May 26, 2008


CrossFit Kids Corona "Colleen's Little Sister"
For 7 minutes alternate the folowing:
Clean for one minute
Jerk for one minute
Post your total reps to comments.


Anonymous said...

Today Anna ran 200 met. for fun, and Molly did some scooter riding.
too-del doo!

Anonymous said...

WoW! and then some! There was a PT (Jim Patak) out in our neck of the woods that worked out this way!
I feel like like I have been hiding under a rock. I love the CROSSFIT philosphy. The boys and I will puke right into the program Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great workout. The girls did this, but we lost count of reps. They did squat cleans and split jerks.

Joey-2# DBs
Maggie-12# bar

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah then we played tortoise and the hare. kids vs. parents.