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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Froberg's Farm - April 2013 Strawberry Pickers

Well, guys, it's that time of year again - strawberry season.

Today we went to Froberg's Farm. This time - we pick strawberries. Yep, just like you'd expect me to say, as noted in the title...

Here's Dad trying to take a picture of me and Crosby (Dad's taking the picture if you're confused. And no, I didn't give him my iPod, he took it from his Android phone.) The picture was meant to show Crosby trying to help by putting a strawberry in my basket, but he did it before he took it as you can see, because Crosby's like "All Done! Now I gotta find more strawberries to pick!"
Some rows had some really good strawberries that can be picked. Other rows, not so much. But after a couple minutes of strawberry picking, here's what I got:
And can't you tell that it looks crowded in the strawberry picking areas? As more and more people show up, and the more strawberries that are picked, the harder it is to find good strawberries to pick.
When the rest of us were finished picking strawberries, we went to the weigh-in area, and here's how heavy my bucket was:
Everyone had a fun time. Now we all have some strawberries we can eat for a while.


Penty said...

Excellent summary, I really like your updates!

Cynthia said...

Yummy! Wish I had been there with you guys. Sounds like you were pretty productive:)