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Monday, June 17, 2013

My thoughts about iOS 7

This is how I feel about iOS 7:
Oh, and I didn't make that. My Mom made it, so you're welcome to give her credit!
Either way, that's how I feel about iOS 7.
If Apple could just change the status bar back to what is was in iOS 6, I may or may not consider upgrading. Until then, I'm sticking with iOS 6.1.3 on my iPod.
But, if Apple doesn't do something about it, I might have to switch to Android...that OS has most of the apps you can find in iOS. I'm already stuck with a Windows Phone (Phone is HTC Radar 4G with Windows Phone OS 7.5) and I am no longer a fan of that OS. Your gaming apps are limited in that OS.
This is my Windows Phone:
So that's my story of my experience after listening to Apple's iOS 7 features. If'd you like to learn more about iOS 7, go to one of these two websites.
NOTE: You can upgrade if you like, but I do NOT recommend it. I'm going to stay with iOS 6.1.3.
EDIT: It appears I didn't listen close enough. It says there's MORE options for voices, so Siri sounds better than ever. Hmm... now if they could just change the status bar back to the original way (like in iOS 6), then I'll maybe upgrade.

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