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Sunday, March 27, 2016

My little sister just got a new blog! + My main life as an early college high school student

Yeah, yeah, people... I know I said that I abandoned this blog and that I won't be writing on it anymore, but I have decided to make a few exceptions. I can't quite tell you what those are, unfortunately. But, I just found out that my little sister, Pallas, has just created a new blog! You can read the blog and what she has to say here. I am so amazed and proud of her! This actually reminds me of when I was at a very young age (probably 9-10 years old at first), which is pretty much the age that she is now. So basically, she's living a similar lifestyle that I was at a very young age, which is awesome, because that will likely mean she will be good at certain things in the digital environment. (OK, she doesn't have YouTube like I did at a very young age (at least for now), but at this point, who cares?! I know my Dad would likely care.)

Again, I'm super proud of her! I can't wait to see what her blog will have to offer! I can already tell that she's going to be a somewhat hard worker!

And since I'm here, posting on a supposedly abandoned blog, I may as well just tell you about some of what seems to be going on with the main parts of my life, so here goes... OK, I'm a 15-year-old Clear Horizons Early College High School student just trying to get through life socially and academically. Turns out finding that balance between being social and making time for academic stuff can actually be pretty hard sometimes. OK, the school itself is not terribly hard, but there are some hard classes that you will have to take. The main reason why I say that some of the classes that will be taken at Clear Horizons is that a few of them are AP classes and actual college classes. Yes, you read that completely right. And as for amount of homework, there's usually not a terrible amount of homework involved when you get home, but there will be some times where you really might just want to consider doing your schoolwork for almost the entire day after you get home.

Currently, for me, getting there and back is a little brutal for me, but believe it or not, I can handle and survive it pretty well. Why am I saying all this? My commute, which I'm about to explain, will probably tell you why. So here's my commute... I wake up at 5:30 AM every morning so I can get ready for school in time to board the bus at 6:25 AM. Why is it so early? I'm actually the first stop and one of the first buses to arrive at my zoned high school, which happens to be Clear Springs High School. After I get off the bus, which is around 6:40 AM, I then wait for the actual Clear Horizons bus, which leaves at 7:15 AM (If you're in Clear Creek ISD and are zoned to Clear Creek HS or Clear Falls HS, your bus departs the school at 7:05 AM. During the wait time, I can chat with my friends, do homework if I wanted to... whatever you want to do that fits you. But my advice here is that you might want to start heading out there as soon as the bell rings. I say this because I do not want to get stuck with the crowd at the neighborhood high school. I also worry that I might get locked in if I'm not careful. Anyway, when the Clear Horizons bus departs, it's smooth sailing for 25-45 minutes (depending on traffic).

When the Clear Horizons bus arrives, that's when you'll really start to rock and roll... because it means that you've arrived at Clear Horizons Early College High School! This school is actually part of San Jacinto College (also called San Jac). The high school resides on San Jac's south campus. How the high school runs is not at all like the normal high schools at CCISD. We actually run a special schedule, which we consider the "A-Day B-Day schedule". Friday has its own special schedule. Another difference of Clear Horizons vs. regular high schools in CCISD: Our school day starts and ends later. The school day at Clear Horizons is from 8:00 AM - 3:20 PM, compared to 7:20 AM - 2:30 PM for normal high schools. And probably one of the best things about Clear Horizons is that you get released early every Friday, at 1:30 PM. For more information, you can visit Clear Horizons on their website.

When it's time for dismissal, for right now, I'm also the person to ride the bus all the way back home in the afternoon. Monday-Thursday, I get on the bus at 3:25 PM and ride back to my zoned intermediate school (Victory Lakes Intermediate), where I usually arrive after 25 more minutes on the bus. I then wait with the people who were on my bus, plus (I think) some WAVE/Science Magnet intermediate students. Then, at 4:00 PM, the dismissal bell rings and I head for the bus back home. I can tell you now, on my bus, those intermediate students can be really crazy at times. But their craziness is actually pretty fun when the bus driver goes in and kinda participates with them. I do get off the bus around 4:25-4:30 PM (as I'm the last stop) and head back home. Phew, I'm finally there. Finally made it back.

On Friday, it's a completely different story. The early college high school actually dismisses for lunch around 1:00 PM. The buses will take you back to your zoned high school, but they leave at 1:30 PM. So after I do whatever with my free time at the early college high school, I get on and ride the bus back to the zoned high school, where I wait another 30-35 minutes for the dismissal bell to ring so that we can all go home. When that dismissal bell does ring at 2:30 PM, I get on the bus and ride back home. If it wasn't for lots of traffic, the buses could probably get out sooner when they get the signal to leave the school, causing us to get home earlier, which is usually all we want on Fridays. But, the people on my high school bus are actually quite calm. They're usually not causing too much of a racket these days. That's the case for BOTH of my high school buses. But on Fridays, I usually get home around 3:00 PM-3:05 PM. That doesn't sound too bad. Because it's usually always a long week, after I get home on that Friday, I usually just want to go take a short nap for about an hour or two. After all, it's the weekend, and some teenagers want to catch up on the sleep they most likely lost because they have to get up so early.

So now you know the lowdown of my commute, and some of how Clear Horizons works... all by reading this blog post. Yes, it's very possible to have a social life at Clear Horizons Early College High School, but my advice is to STAY FOCUSED on your academic work at all costs... because if you don't, it's really going to take a toll on your grade, which will also affect your GPA. And again, Clear Horizons isn't an incredibly hard school to me (or at least, as a freshman), but it does have times where you might just want to ditch the social stuff and do homework almost the entire day at home before you go to bed. Other than school and my little sister getting a new blog, there's not really a lot that I have to say, so... yeah! Thanks for reading this post! I kinda enjoyed writing about what I just did! Unfortunately, I have no idea when, if any, the next time I will make an exemption and write on this blog, so... sorry, obsessive fanboys! To all of you, I might see y'all later!

P.S. Happy Easter 2016! Even though I wrote this post during the nighttime...

Also, sorry for all the text being bunched up and not being split into paragraphs. I intended to write it this way, but Blogger apparently does not understand the "Enter" key at all... EDIT: Turns out that the text was all bunched up earlier because it was written under "HTML", and not under "Compose". It should be fixed now. Thanks a lot to Blogger for apparently defaulting to HTML.

1 comment:

Penty said...

Nicely written, Hope you update more often.