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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Probably the saddest day ever for us...

When Mom asked me to watch Crosby (she had to go drop off a water bill), I went ahead and took the job.

At about 10 AM, the police came, asked me a couple of questions about my family. When he asked to call my Dad, I called him, then gave him the phone.

After the call was done, he told me he was done talking to me. He said he'd wait out in our yard, and that if we needed him, I just needed to holler. Thankfully, that never happened.

But eventually, Dad approached our home, and talked to the police.

When they were done talking, he came in along with Stephanie (who I don't know at the moment), and when Dad put my little brother Crosby to bed, then came the bad news...

My mom ended up in a car accident. She did not survive it.

When the news were done, I immediately became sad. Luckily, I recovered from the sadness after a few minutes.

So there you have it. My advice: Drivers, be careful or you'll end up like my Mom's fate...


Jen said...

The sad may come back, but that's OK. We are all sad with you.

Beth Ransom said...

Tayne, we are sad too. Your Mom was such a sweet person and I know she loved you and your whole family very much. It's ok to be sad or mad or ok feeling. We will miss her!

digitalzen said...

It's OK to be sad. Be sad a lot. Cry. Soon, you'll remember the happy stuff again, but now is for letting go.