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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

iPad rumor roundup

Well, we got another surprise coming up to us. And this time, it's Apple-related. The iPad 5 everyone's been talking about... well, it didn't get named that. Instead, Apple decided to play a trick on our rumors and name it iPad Air. Their slogan? "The power of lightness".
And they also put in the long-rumored iPad Mini we've all been waiting for... the iPad mini with Retina display!!
And guess what? They made the apps what used to cost money free. That's right, stuff like iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.
And you know what? I'm surprised they kept the iPad 2 and the iPad mini. The iPad 2, I'm more surprised at. It's actually been standing for a long time. iPad 2 was actually released on March 11, 2011 in our area, to be exact. That's over 2.5 years ago!

Don't believe these news? Here's the proof:

It's true. They kept it all (except for the iPad 4).

Well, that just about rounds things up! We'll see you next time. I'm still amazed that these news are unexpected.

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